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Loyola University Chicago

Loyola University Maryland
Loyola University New Orleans
Lubbock Christian University

Luther College
Luther Rice College & Seminary

Lycoming College
Lynn University
Lyon College
MCPHS University

Macalester College
Machzikei Hadath Rabbinical College
Madonna University
Magdalen College
Maharishi International University
Maine College of Art & Design

Maine Maritime Academy
Malone University
Manchester University
Manhattan Christian College

Manhattan College

Manhattan School of Music
Manhattanville College
Maranatha Baptist University
Marian University
Marian University
Marietta College

Marist College

Marquette University
Mars Hill University
Marshall University

Martin Luther College

Maryland Institute College of Art
Marymount Manhattan College
Marymount University
Maryville College
Maryville University of Saint Louis
Marywood University
Massachusetts College of Art and Design
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Massachusetts Maritime Academy
Mayville State University

McDaniel College
McKendree University
McMurry University
McNeese State University
McPherson College
Menlo College
Mercer University
Mercy College
Mercy College of Health Sciences
Mercyhurst University
Meredith College

Merrimack College
Mesivta Torah Vodaath Rabbinical Seminary
Mesivtha Tifereth Jerusalem of America
Messenger College

Messiah University
Methodist University
Metropolitan College of New York
Metropolitan State University
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Miami University-Oxford

Michigan State University

Michigan Technological University
Mid-Atlantic Christian University
MidAmerica Nazarene University
Middle Georgia State University
Middle Tennessee State University

Middlebury College
Midland University
Midway University
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Midwestern State University
Millersville University of Pennsylvania
Milligan University
Millikin University

Millsaps College
Milwaukee Institute of Art & Design
Milwaukee School of Engineering
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
Minnesota State University Moorhead
Minnesota State University-Mankato
Minot State University
Misericordia University
Mississippi College
Mississippi State University
Mississippi University for Women
Mississippi Valley State University
Missouri Baptist University
Missouri Southern State University
Missouri State University-Springfield

Missouri University of Science and Technology
Missouri Valley College
Mitchell College
Molloy College
Monmouth College
Monmouth University
Montana State University
University of New Mexico-Main Campus
University of Holy Cross
Asbury University

University of Minnesota-Duluth
Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary
Alma College

University of Northern Iowa
The Baptist College of Florida
Brevard College
St. John Vianney College Seminary

Springfield College
Chicago State University
Bethel University
University of Dubuque
University of Missouri-St Louis

University of Louisville
University of Portland
Bellin College
California Baptist University
University of Evansville
Talmudical Seminary of Bobov
University of New England

Ursinus College
Stevenson University

California State University-Stanislaus
University of Hawaii at Hilo

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
University of Houston-Downtown

SUNY College at Old Westbury
Aurora University
Wayne State University

University of San Diego

SUNY at Albany
University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh
Wartburg College
Bluefield University

California State University-Fresno

University of St Thomas
The College of Idaho
Texas A & M University-Corpus Christi

Washington College
Bethany Lutheran College
University of Virginia's College at Wise

Susquehanna University
University of the Ozarks
Valley City State University
Spring Arbor University

Washington & Jefferson College
SUNY College of Technology at Canton
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Vanguard University of Southern California

St. John Fisher University
Clarkson College
University of West Alabama
University of Saint Joseph
Arkansas State University
Assumption University

CUNY Hunter College
Chowan University

University of Puget Sound
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Concordia University-Saint Paul
University of the Incarnate Word
Texas Southern University

Texas Woman's University
Texas Wesleyan University

St. Mary's College of Maryland
California College of the Arts
Bowie State University
Bethany College
Spalding University
Bryn Athyn College of the New Church
Virginia Union University
Valdosta State University
Cumberland University
University of Southern Maine

University of Washington-Tacoma Campus
Bluefield State University
Curry College
Criswell College
Telshe Yeshiva-Chicago
Columbus College of Art and Design
Warner University
Villa Maria College

The College of Wooster
Ursuline College
Cairn University-Langhorne
Utah State University