Bentley is located in a suburb of Boston, and is known for its business programs. The school offers 11 different Bachelors degrees in business majors from Accounting and Actuarial Science to Managerial Economics and Sustainability Science
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What do the scores mean?
The ScholarMatcher rates schools on a 1.0-4.0 scale in four areas: financial aid, academic strength, student support services, and post-graduate affordability, with an overall average score as well. A 2 is average, a 3 is very good, and a 4 is exceptional. Since ScholarMatcher only includes excellent schools, you won’t see many 1s, except for financial aid. Schools with a 1 in financial aid offer great education, but you may need extra scholarships to afford them. Don't let a 1 in financial aid stop you from applying—just be ready to seek other financial resources if needed.
measures the ability of a school to provide robust financial aid for students with households earning less than $48,000 a year.
measures the schools’ abilities on retention and graduation rates.
measures the schools’ ability to provide robust academic support and student services.
measures the schools’ ability in providing an affordable education for students from low income households, with an emphasis on loan debt levels.