Prepare for Admission to UCs and CSUs

If you’re a student in California, there are two types of public schools you’ll want to consider adding to your college list: University of California schools (UC’s) and California State Universities (CSU’s).  There are a few key differences between these university systems to consider.

Suggested Deadline

How to complete this milestone

Calculate your UC/CSU GPA using the worksheet in the Resources section.


Use these resources to learn more about the differences between UCs and CSUs, how to prepare for admission, and how to apply:

  1. UC/CSU Overview: Learn more about the UC and CSU system, A-G courses, and how to calculate your UC/CSU  GPA.
  2. Use this worksheet to calculate your UC/CSU GPA.
  3. Assess your CSU eligibility: This table shows you what GPA and SAT/ACT score you need to be competitive for CSU admission.
  4. A-G approved courses: Use this tool to determine which courses at your school count for which A-G requirement
  5. Apply to EOP: The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) is a great program to apply for if you are a low-income and/or first-generation college student who will need academic and financial support while in school.