Our students are incredible, dedicated, caring individuals working to create a better life for themselves and their families. The majority are also the first in their family to go to college, from communities of color, and often, from families who have recently immigrated to the U.S. Below are expressions of hope and encouragement for our students, sent in by community members from all across the country. Your support means more than ever.
Share your Words of Hope here.
“Dear students, you are supported and loved and valued! Thank you for being you, for being here, for ALREADY making this country great. I stand in awe of your hard work. There is a web of people who care for you and support you, and I hope you feel uplifted and held by us all right now.” -Miriam S.
“You are all special. You are all talented. You are all inspirational. You are all unique. You are all part of what makes ScholarMatch great. Don’t let anyone or any system let you think otherwise. And don’t get distracted from following your dreams to college. You can do this and we are here to support and cheer you on.” -Kate V.
“You are loved. You are important. You are exactly who you are suppose to be. Never forget love is stronger than hate, and there are so many people who stand beside you, even if you can’t see them, against injustice of any kind. Be the expression of love, understanding, hope, and freedom. Stand strong against those who try to make you feel as though you are less- you are not. You are perfect. I love you all.” -Lindzey E.
“I wish you all hope. It is always there. Often, I think of Emily Dickinson’s poem, “Hope is the thing with feathers/that perches in the soul.” You are the hope that the world needs. All the best to each and every one of you.” -Dr. Donna D
Congratulations to all the students! I applaud your hard work and dedication — you are doing the best thing for yourself to pursue your educational dreams. Know that we are rooting for you and looking forward to what you do in life! -Emily M.
“As an English as a Second Language Teacher, I learn so much from my students from countries all over the world. It made me think how someone in all of our pasts was brave and in a new world. Thank you for being brave. May these notes be good news to you amid so much of the bad news that, sadly, abounds.” -Christine P.
“My wife and I support Scholar Match because we believe in you. We believe that all of you are exactly who we want to be influencing, building and leading our country. My message of hope is also one of gratitude. Thank you for enduring through everything that has come and everything that will come.” -Geoff V.
“I value you for your voice, background, perspective, compassion, and perseverance. I know our country is better because of you and your family and that we would not be the creative, productive, inclusive, and diverse place that we are without you. Please keep working hard with faith in humanity and optimism for the future. I’ll stand behind you!” -Megan S.
“Keep looking for the light. Look for common ground. Be watchful. Be safe. You are a valued. You are beautiful. You have a right to be here.” -S.H.
“You are smart, you are capable, and you are resilient. For those of you who immigrated to the United States, this country will always be as much yours as it is mine. Keep working hard and never stop fighting for what’s right!” -Magdalena L.
“You are loved. Whether you’re Black, Asian, Latino, Muslim, Gay, all of the above or something else. We will stand with you and stand up for you. America was built by immigrants and most of us realize we would be much less of a nation without you. Stay strong and know that you can help bring about change.” -Jim T.
“You are surrounded by people, people you may never meet, who care about you and will fight for you to have the future we believe you deserve.” -Peggy H.
“Learn as much as you can about the people around you, love them and let them learn to love you. We will not let this anti-intellectualism win.” -Lucy C.
“Don’t let other people’s anger or negativity get in the way of you achieving amazing success! Focus on your support groups, don’t let fear of any kind encroach in your vision. Speak out loudly for what you believe in — you have more influence than you think!” -Aaron H.
“To anyone who is afraid following the election, I want you to know that you matter to me. Our country is a better place because you are here. I wish you nothing but success in school and in whatever career you choose. I want you to know that I will work to make our country a place where we celebrate our differences instead of fearing them.” -Kristen L.
“To all of you now living in uncertainty and fear, we have your back and stand with you in these coming years. Diversity is an amazing thing and I’ll be damned if this country loses sight of that. Love to all.” -John J.
“You are our future. We are here to support you and help you feel safe. Please know that there are people in this world who care about you. I value all of the ways that we are the same as well as the ways we are different, and look forward to seeing how you change the world for the better.” -Magge E.
“I am hopeful for our future as a country, because of you. And because hope is the best possible path to take. We stand with you and are behind you on this path.” -Judy W.
“You are surrounded by people who support you, who love you, and who want you to build whatever type of life you dream of here in this country. I don’t know you, but I know you make America better. You don’t know me, but please know I have your back.” -Jill H.
“You are valued. You are loved. Millions of people are fighting by your side. Keep doing what you’re doing, and we will all keep fighting for a better tomorrow.” -Sarah
“What makes America great is it’s diversity! Know that there are so many people who appreciate you and are proud of what you are accomplishing today! We are a lucky country to have such a bright, diverse, motivated group of young people who will one day be making the big decisions for this country! Hang in there! You will do great things!” -Chelsea
“You are loved and unstoppable. Make yourselves into strong, kind, compassionate leaders that bring love into the center– a whole generation that can change everything overnight.” -Amanda C.
“I admire and respect each and everyone of you for your courage, hard work and perseverance. It is people like all of you that make this world a better place! I believe there are by far more good people in this world than bad and at times when the bad seem to be at the top, remember goodness prevails!!! Continue to believe in yourself and those around you and good things will happen. I for one believe in you and this program and will help support it in any way that I can.” -Jamie S.
“Keep fighting. Keep learning. The future is yours, and there are so many people rooting for you. Sending love your way.” -Calise C.
“You all are my favorite people. You embody hard work, strength, community, and gratitude. You embody the values of America and you add value to me, our community, our state, and country in a way that humbles me. You are the best part of our country. Please know that. I will fight for the rights of you, your families, my friends and family, and even for myself. I am not going anywhere. I am going to honor our right to be here and that the promise of America is yet to be realized. Our spirits will not be broken. I stand with you, always.” -Kate B.
“N0 matter what you look like, how you worship, and who you love, you are perfect as you are. Your differences make you valuable to our growing, diverse nation. Don’t let people’s words of hate hold you back.” -Mandy E.
“I believe you are our future. I believe in you. Do not be defeated by small minds and mean hearts. Flow like water around their ignorance — there is always a way forward.” -Laura M.
“I support ScholarMatch because I believe in what they do and because I believe in YOU — your strength, your resiliency, your heart, and your brains. Know that the are tens of millions of people who also feel this way and we will never stop working to promote and protect you and to help you be everything we know you can be. You are not alone. With love, and in solidarity, Adam.” -Adam W.
“You are not alone. We are here to support you. We will protect your rights. We will stand stand by your side.” -Alessandra H.
“It’s scary now, but for some of us it’s always been scary, regardless of who holds the power. We continue to study, to battle ignorance in others, to take care of each other and through our hard work to gain “seats at the table.” As the saying goes: they tried to bury us, but they did not realize we were seeds.” -Patty A.