Online Resources
Check out our online tools, guides and milestone tracker to start your college journey today!
Visit our College-Ready Milestones page to learn about all the steps you need to be college-ready and track your progress.
Bay Area Scholarship List
An excellent way to supplement a college’s financial aid package is to receive private scholarships. Each scholarship has its own unique application requirements and deadlines, so you’ll have to do some research to find out what scholarships might be a fit for you. Although finding and applying for scholarships can be time-consuming, the rewards are well worth the effort! If you live in the Bay Area, click the button below. And for all students, we recommend searching for national scholarships at:
Check out the Immigrants Rising scholarship list for undocumented students.
If you are a scholarship provider and are interested in having your scholarship included on our list, please complete this form.
Fly-In Programs
Why settle for a virtual college tour, when you could visit a school in-person for free? Explore different colleges and universities across the country that offer Fly-In Programs, where the school covers the cost of airfare or transportation, as well as food, and you’ll get to stay in a college dorm with other students to experience what this kind of freedom will really feel like! These are typically for first-generation, low-income, and/or students of color. Take advantage of this great opportunity to step foot on a new campus- you may discover your dream school!
Want to learn more then check out College Greenlight and Cappex Fly-in and Diversity Program list.