Asset 1ScholarMatch

Career Resources

Find the advice, resources, and connections you need to get your career started.


Resume Guide

These documents are interactive. Please click on each icon to learn more about resumes and cover letters.

Cover Letter Guide

Internship Gallery

Internships are great experiences to help you prepare for your first professional job. View our list of internship postings from companies that partner with ScholarMatch for intern hiring.

(Note: To access this page, please email for the password.)

Alumni Resources

Check out ScholarMatch’s resources and services designed specifically for our alumni community!

LinkedIn Group

Join the conversation between ScholarMatch students who are searching for internships and/or jobs across the nation. Ask questions, find and share resources and follow discussions within this peer community of support!

Other Job Boards

Sometimes it’s hard to know where to look for internships and job opportunities. After checking out the Internship Gallery, check out this list of websites that feature more open positions for students and recent graduates!

Join us on October 9 at our Trivia Night with a Twist event! Grab your tickets today!

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