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Newark, DE

University of Delaware

Denver, CO

University of Denver

Detroit, MI

University of Detroit Mercy

Dubuque, IA

University of Dubuque

Evansville, IN

University of Evansville

Gainesville, FL

University of Florida

Athens, GA

University of Georgia

West Hartford, CT

University of Hartford

Hilo, HI

University of Hawaii at Hilo

Honolulu, HI

University of Hawaii at Manoa


University of Hawaii-West Oahu

Saint Louis, MO

University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis

New Orleans, LA

University of Holy Cross

Houston, TX

University of Houston

Houston, TX

University of Houston-Clear Lake

Houston, TX

University of Houston-Downtown

Victoria, TX

University of Houston-Victoria

Moscow, ID

University of Idaho

Chicago, IL

University of Illinois Chicago

Springfield, IL

University of Illinois Springfield

Champaign, IL

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Indianapolis, IN

University of Indianapolis

Iowa City, IA

University of Iowa

Jamestown, ND

University of Jamestown

Lawrence, KS

University of Kansas

Lexington, KY

University of Kentucky

La Verne, CA

University of La Verne

Lafayette, LA

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Monroe, LA

University of Louisiana at Monroe

Louisville, KY

University of Louisville

Lynchburg, VA

University of Lynchburg

Orono, ME

University of Maine

Farmington, ME

University of Maine at Farmington

Fort Kent, ME

University of Maine at Fort Kent

Presque Isle, ME

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Bismarck, ND

University of Mary

Belton, TX

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Fredericksburg, VA

University of Mary Washington

Princess Anne, MD

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Baltimore, MD

University of Maryland-Baltimore County

College Park, MD

University of Maryland-College Park

Amherst, MA

University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Boston, MA

University of Massachusetts-Boston

North Dartmouth, MA

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Lowell, MA

University of Massachusetts-Lowell

Memphis, TN

University of Memphis

Coral Gables, FL

University of Miami

Ann Arbor, MI

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Dearborn, MI

University of Michigan-Dearborn

Flint, MI

University of Michigan-Flint

Crookston, MN

University of Minnesota-Crookston

Duluth, MN

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Morris, MN

University of Minnesota-Morris

Rochester, MN

University of Minnesota-Rochester

Minneapolis, MN

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

University, MS

University of Mississippi

Columbia, MO

University of Missouri-Columbia

Kansas City, MO

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Saint Louis, MO

University of Missouri-St Louis

Mobile, AL

University of Mobile

Montevallo, AL

University of Montevallo

Mount Olive, NC

University of Mount Olive

Alliance, OH

University of Mount Union

Kearney, NE

University of Nebraska at Kearney

Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Lincoln, NE

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Las Vegas, NV

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Reno, NV

University of Nevada-Reno

Biddeford, ME

University of New England

Manchester, NH

University of New Hampshire at Manchester

Durham, NH

University of New Hampshire-Main Campus

West Haven, CT

University of New Haven

Albuquerque, NM

University of New Mexico-Main Campus

New Orleans, LA

University of New Orleans

Florence, AL

University of North Alabama

Winston-Salem, NC

University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Wilmington, NC

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Asheville, NC

University of North Carolina at Asheville

Chapel Hill, NC

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Charlotte, NC

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Greensboro, NC

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Pembroke, NC

University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Grand Forks, ND

University of North Dakota

Jacksonville, FL

University of North Florida

Dahlonega, GA

University of North Georgia

Denton, TX

University of North Texas

Dallas, TX

University of North Texas at Dallas

Greeley, CO

University of Northern Colorado

Cedar Falls, IA

University of Northern Iowa

Saint Paul, MN

University of Northwestern-St Paul

Notre Dame, IN

University of Notre Dame

Norman, OK

University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus

Eugene, OR

University of Oregon

Philadelphia, PA

University of Pennsylvania

Bradford, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford

Greensburg, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg

Johnstown, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Pittsburgh, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

Portland, OR

University of Portland

Great Falls, MT

University of Providence

Tyler, TX

The University of Texas at Tyler

Edwardsville, IL

Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville

Baldwin City, KS

Baker University

Fulton, MO

William Woods University

Durham, NH

University of New Hampshire-Main Campus

Alliance, OH

University of Mount Union

Redding, CA

Shasta Bible College and Graduate School

Cleveland, GA

Truett McConnell University

New Orleans, LA

Xavier University of Louisiana

Amherst, MA

Hampshire College

Cleveland, OH

Case Western Reserve University

Bismarck, ND

University of Mary

Rindge, NH

Franklin Pierce University

Rosemead, CA

University of the West

Newberg, OR

George Fox University

Springfield, MA

Western New England University

Philadelphia, PA

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Wingate, NC

Wingate University

Greenville, SC

Furman University

Americus, GA

Georgia Southwestern State University

Adelphia, NJ

Talmudical Academy-New Jersey

Lynchburg, VA

Randolph College

Madison, NJ

Drew University

York, PA

York College of Pennsylvania

New Orleans, LA

Dillard University

Oak Park, MI

Yeshiva Gedolah of Greater Detroit

Caldwell, NJ

Caldwell University

Normal, IL

Illinois State University

Buckhannon, WV

West Virginia Wesleyan College

Monaca, PA

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Beaver

Lawrenceville, GA

Georgia Gwinnett College

Greensboro, NC

Guilford College

Keyport, NJ

Yeshiva Gedolah of Cliffwood

Greenville, NC

East Carolina University

Pensacola, FL

The University of West Florida

Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Christian University

Winona, MN

Winona State University

Goshen, IN

Goshen College

San Bernardino, CA

California State University-San Bernardino

Burlington, VT

Champlain College

Tuskegee, AL

Tuskegee University

Hamburg, NY

Hilbert College

Hillsdale, MI

Hillsdale College

Statesboro, GA

Georgia Southern University

University Park, IL

Governors State University

Roanoke, VA

Hollins University

San Diego, CA

Point Loma Nazarene University

Irvine, CA

Concordia University-Irvine

San Francisco, CA

University of San Francisco

Moon Township, PA

Robert Morris University

Lawrence, KS

University of Kansas

Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Kearney, NE

University of Nebraska at Kearney

Iowa City, IA

University of Iowa

North Canton, OH

Walsh University

Houston, TX

University of Houston

Burlington, VT

University of Vermont

Presque Isle, ME

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Waleska, GA

Reinhardt University

Takoma Park, MD

Washington Adventist University

Redlands, CA

University of Redlands

Jersey City, NJ

New Jersey City University

Seaside, CA

California State University-Monterey Bay

Grove City, PA

Grove City College

York, NE

York University

Milledgeville, GA

Georgia College & State University

Central, SC

Southern Wesleyan University

Washington, DC

Gallaudet University

Chester, PA

Widener University

Frederick, MD

Hood College

Chicago, IL

VanderCook College of Music

Searcy, AR

Harding University

Beaver Falls, PA

Geneva College

Williamsburg, KY

University of the Cumberlands

Chickasha, OK

University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Fort Wayne, IN

Purdue University Fort Wayne

Corvallis, OR

Oregon State University

Danbury, CT

Western Connecticut State University

Whitewater, WI

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Denver, CO

Regis University

Chicago, IL

Illinois Institute of Technology

Smithfield, RI

Bryant University

Allendale, MI

Grand Valley State University

Weston, MA

Regis College

Franklin, IN

Franklin College

Cincinnati, OH

Gods Bible School and College

Evansville, IN

University of Southern Indiana

New Orleans, LA

Tulane University of Louisiana

Brooklyn, NY

Yeshiva Kollel Tifereth Elizer

Brooklyn, NY

Yeshivat Hechal Shemuel

Washington, DC

Howard University

Camden, NJ

Rutgers University-Camden

Asheville, NC

University of North Carolina at Asheville

Bend, OR

Oregon State University-Cascades Campus

Hiram, OH

Hiram College

Reading, PA

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Berks

Charleston, SC

Charleston Southern University

Troy, AL

Troy University

Brooklyn, NY

Yeshiva Sholom Shachna

Glassboro, NJ

Rowan University

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How do I use the ScholarMatcher to build my college list?
Where does the data come from, and what do the metrics measure?
What kind of schools are included?
What do the scores mean?
How many schools should I apply to?
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How does ScholarMatch handle my information, and how can I help improve it?