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Newark, DE

University of Delaware

Denver, CO

University of Denver

Detroit, MI

University of Detroit Mercy

Dubuque, IA

University of Dubuque

Evansville, IN

University of Evansville

Gainesville, FL

University of Florida

Athens, GA

University of Georgia

West Hartford, CT

University of Hartford

Hilo, HI

University of Hawaii at Hilo

Honolulu, HI

University of Hawaii at Manoa


University of Hawaii-West Oahu

Saint Louis, MO

University of Health Sciences and Pharmacy in St. Louis

New Orleans, LA

University of Holy Cross

Houston, TX

University of Houston

Houston, TX

University of Houston-Clear Lake

Houston, TX

University of Houston-Downtown

Victoria, TX

University of Houston-Victoria

Moscow, ID

University of Idaho

Chicago, IL

University of Illinois Chicago

Springfield, IL

University of Illinois Springfield

Champaign, IL

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Indianapolis, IN

University of Indianapolis

Iowa City, IA

University of Iowa

Jamestown, ND

University of Jamestown

Lawrence, KS

University of Kansas

Lexington, KY

University of Kentucky

La Verne, CA

University of La Verne

Lafayette, LA

University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Monroe, LA

University of Louisiana at Monroe

Louisville, KY

University of Louisville

Lynchburg, VA

University of Lynchburg

Orono, ME

University of Maine

Farmington, ME

University of Maine at Farmington

Fort Kent, ME

University of Maine at Fort Kent

Presque Isle, ME

University of Maine at Presque Isle

Bismarck, ND

University of Mary

Belton, TX

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Fredericksburg, VA

University of Mary Washington

Princess Anne, MD

University of Maryland Eastern Shore

Baltimore, MD

University of Maryland-Baltimore County

College Park, MD

University of Maryland-College Park

Amherst, MA

University of Massachusetts-Amherst

Boston, MA

University of Massachusetts-Boston

North Dartmouth, MA

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth

Lowell, MA

University of Massachusetts-Lowell

Memphis, TN

University of Memphis

Coral Gables, FL

University of Miami

Ann Arbor, MI

University of Michigan-Ann Arbor

Dearborn, MI

University of Michigan-Dearborn

Flint, MI

University of Michigan-Flint

Crookston, MN

University of Minnesota-Crookston

Duluth, MN

University of Minnesota-Duluth

Morris, MN

University of Minnesota-Morris

Rochester, MN

University of Minnesota-Rochester

Minneapolis, MN

University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

University, MS

University of Mississippi

Columbia, MO

University of Missouri-Columbia

Kansas City, MO

University of Missouri-Kansas City

Saint Louis, MO

University of Missouri-St Louis

Mobile, AL

University of Mobile

Montevallo, AL

University of Montevallo

Mount Olive, NC

University of Mount Olive

Alliance, OH

University of Mount Union

Kearney, NE

University of Nebraska at Kearney

Omaha, NE

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Lincoln, NE

University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Las Vegas, NV

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Reno, NV

University of Nevada-Reno

Biddeford, ME

University of New England

Manchester, NH

University of New Hampshire at Manchester

Durham, NH

University of New Hampshire-Main Campus

West Haven, CT

University of New Haven

Albuquerque, NM

University of New Mexico-Main Campus

New Orleans, LA

University of New Orleans

Florence, AL

University of North Alabama

Winston-Salem, NC

University of North Carolina School of the Arts

Wilmington, NC

University of North Carolina Wilmington

Asheville, NC

University of North Carolina at Asheville

Chapel Hill, NC

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Charlotte, NC

University of North Carolina at Charlotte

Greensboro, NC

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Pembroke, NC

University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Grand Forks, ND

University of North Dakota

Jacksonville, FL

University of North Florida

Dahlonega, GA

University of North Georgia

Denton, TX

University of North Texas

Dallas, TX

University of North Texas at Dallas

Greeley, CO

University of Northern Colorado

Cedar Falls, IA

University of Northern Iowa

Saint Paul, MN

University of Northwestern-St Paul

Notre Dame, IN

University of Notre Dame

Norman, OK

University of Oklahoma-Norman Campus

Eugene, OR

University of Oregon

Philadelphia, PA

University of Pennsylvania

Bradford, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Bradford

Greensburg, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg

Johnstown, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown

Pittsburgh, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

Portland, OR

University of Portland

Great Falls, MT

University of Providence

Columbus, OH

Capital University

Pasadena, CA

Art Center College of Design

Bennington, VT

Bennington College

Clarksville, TN

Austin Peay State University

Berea, OH

Baldwin Wallace University

Annandale-On-Hudson, NY

Bard College

Milwaukee, WI

Alverno College

Chico, CA

California State University-Chico

Montgomery, AL

Alabama State University

Provo, UT

Brigham Young University

Mount Hope, WV

Appalachian Bible College

Sacramento, CA

California State University-Sacramento

Fullerton, CA

California State University-Fullerton

Bridgewater, MA

Bridgewater State University

Waynesburg, PA

Waynesburg University

Buffalo, NY

D'Youville University

Boulder, CO

Naropa University

Columbus, OH

Mount Carmel College of Nursing

Quincy, MA

Eastern Nazarene College

Fort Lauderdale, FL

Nova Southeastern University

Marietta, GA

Life University

Beloit, WI

Beloit College

Mount Vernon, OH

Mount Vernon Nazarene University

Grand Rapids, MI

Davenport University

Springfield, MA

American International College

Miami, FL

Albizu University-Miami

New Concord, OH

Muskingum University

Durango, CO

Fort Lewis College

Farmingdale, NY

Farmingdale State College

Lincoln, NE

Nebraska Wesleyan University

Brooklyn, NY

Beth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher Institute

Pippa Passes, KY

Alice Lloyd College

Oswego, NY

State University of New York at Oswego

Boone, NC

Appalachian State University

Memphis, TN

Baptist Health Sciences University

Portland, OR

Multnomah University

Fayetteville, NC

Fayetteville State University

Utica, NY

SUNY Polytechnic Institute

Far Rockaway, NY

Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid

Doylestown, PA

Delaware Valley University

Boca Raton, FL

Florida Atlantic University

Clarks Summit, PA

Clarks Summit University

Indianapolis, IN

Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis

Boston, MA

Northeastern University

Orangeburg, NY

Dominican University New York

Henniker, NH

New England College

Saint Petersburg, FL

Eckerd College

Columbus, OH

Ohio Dominican University

Eureka, IL

Eureka College

Knoxville, TN

Johnson University

Boston, MA

Fisher College

Willimantic, CT

Eastern Connecticut State University

Philadelphia, PA

Chestnut Hill College

Richmond, KY

Eastern Kentucky University

Syracuse, NY

Syracuse University

Daytona Beach, FL

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Daytona Beach

Flint, MI

Kettering University

Saint Bonifacius, MN

Crown College

Pittsburgh, PA

Chatham University

Bronx, NY

College of Mount Saint Vincent

Cleveland, OH

Cleveland State University

Highland Heights, KY

Northern Kentucky University

Aston, PA

Neumann University

La Plume, PA

Keystone College

Athens, WV

Concord University

Annville, PA

Lebanon Valley College

Laredo, TX

Texas A & M International University

Cresson, PA

Mount Aloysius College

Montreat, NC

Montreat College

Providence, RI

Johnson & Wales University-Providence

Greensboro, NC

North Carolina A & T State University

Chicago, IL

DePaul University

Philadelphia, PA

Curtis Institute of Music

Syracuse, NY

Le Moyne College

Ada, OK

East Central University

Salem, OR

Corban University

Tallahassee, FL

Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University

Rochester Hills, MI

Oakland University

Santa Clarita, CA

The Master's University and Seminary

Oklahoma City, OK

Oklahoma City University

Philadelphia, PA

Drexel University

Memphis, TN

Le Moyne-Owen College

Saint Joseph, MN

College of Saint Benedict

Conception, MO

Conception Seminary College

Shawnee, OK

Family of Faith Christian University

University Heights, OH

John Carroll University

Emmitsburg, MD

Mount St. Mary's University

Dekalb, IL

Northern Illinois University

Philadelphia, PA

Talmudical Yeshiva of Philadelphia

Jacksonville, FL

Edward Waters University

Alexandria, LA

Louisiana State University-Alexandria

Saint Louis, MO

Fontbonne University

Honolulu, HI

Chaminade University of Honolulu

Ukiah, CA

Dharma Realm Buddhist University

Franklin, MA

Dean College

Austin, TX

Concordia University Texas

Fargo, ND

North Dakota State University-Main Campus

Kettering, OH

Kettering College

Franklin Springs, GA

Emmanuel College

Sioux Center, IA

Dordt University

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How do I use the ScholarMatcher to build my college list?
Where does the data come from, and what do the metrics measure?
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How many schools should I apply to?
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