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Abilene, TX

Abilene Christian University

Tifton, GA

Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

Alamosa, CO

Adams State University

Garden City, NY

Adelphi University

Adrian, MI

Adrian College

Orlando, FL

AdventHealth University

Decatur, GA

Agnes Scott College

Normal, AL

Alabama A & M University

Montgomery, AL

Alabama State University

Anchorage, AK

Alaska Pacific University

Albany, NY

Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

New Haven, CT

Albertus Magnus College

Albion, MI

Albion College

Miami, FL

Albizu University-Miami

Reading, PA

Albright College

Alcorn State, MS

Alcorn State University

Alfred, NY

Alfred University

Pippa Passes, KY

Alice Lloyd College

Meadville, PA

Allegheny College

Columbia, SC

Allen University

Alma, MI

Alma College

Reading, PA

Alvernia University

Milwaukee, WI

Alverno College

Charleston, SC

American College of the Building Arts

Springfield, MA

American International College

Chicago, IL

American Islamic College

Washington, DC

American University

Amherst, MA

Amherst College

Anderson, SC

Anderson University

Anderson, IN

Anderson University

Berrien Springs, MI

Andrews University

San Angelo, TX

Angelo State University

Paxton, MA

Anna Maria College

Yellow Springs, OH

Antioch College

Mount Hope, WV

Appalachian Bible College

Boone, NC

Appalachian State University

Grand Rapids, MI

Aquinas College

Glenside, PA

Arcadia University

Phoenix, AZ

Arizona Christian University

Tempe, AZ

Arizona State University Campus Immersion

Jonesboro, AR

Arkansas State University

Cincinnati, OH

Art Academy of Cincinnati

Pasadena, CA

Art Center College of Design

Wilmore, KY

Asbury University

Ashland, OH

Ashland University

Worcester, MA

Assumption University

Auburn University, AL

Auburn University

Montgomery, AL

Auburn University at Montgomery

Minneapolis, MN

Augsburg University

Augusta, GA

Augusta University

Rock Island, IL

Augustana College

Sioux Falls, SD

Augustana University

Aurora, IL

Aurora University

Sherman, TX

Austin College

Clarksville, TN

Austin Peay State University

Ave Maria, FL

Ave Maria University

Danville, VA

Averett University

Kansas City, MO

Avila University

Azusa, CA

Azusa Pacific University

Wellesley, MA

Babson College

Monsey, NY

Bais Binyomin Academy

Baltimore, MD

Bais HaMedrash and Mesivta of Baltimore

Lakewood, NJ

Bais Medrash Toras Chesed

Owosso, MI

Baker College

Baldwin City, KS

Baker University

Berea, OH

Baldwin Wallace University

Muncie, IN

Ball State University

Memphis, TN

Baptist Health Sciences University

Jacksonville, TX

Baptist Missionary Association Theological Seminary

Haviland, KS

Barclay College

Annandale-On-Hudson, NY

Bard College

New York, NY

Barnard College

Miami, FL

Barry University

Wilson, NC

Barton College

Lewiston, ME

Bates College

Longmeadow, MA

Bay Path University

Waco, TX

Baylor University

Leesburg, FL

Beacon College

Far Rockaway, NY

Beis Medrash Heichal Dovid

Jackson, MS

Belhaven University

Louisville, KY

Bellarmine University

Green Bay, WI

Bellin College

Belmont, NC

Belmont Abbey College

Nashville, TN

Belmont University

Beloit, WI

Beloit College

Bemidji, MN

Bemidji State University

Columbia, SC

Benedict College

Atchison, KS

Benedictine College

Lisle, IL

Benedictine University

Greensboro, NC

Bennett College

Bennington, VT

Bennington College

Waltham, MA

Bentley University

Berea, KY

Berea College

Boston, MA

Berklee College of Music

Mount Berry, GA

Berry College

Brooklyn, NY

Bet Medrash Gadol Ateret Torah

Brooklyn, NY

Beth Hamedrash Shaarei Yosher Institute

Monsey, NY

Beth Medrash Meor Yitzchok

Lakewood, NJ

Beth Medrash of Asbury Park

Lindsborg, KS

Bethany College

Jacksonville, IL

Illinois College

Burbank, CA

Woodbury University

Palos Heights, IL

Trinity Christian College

Latrobe, PA

Saint Vincent College

Davenport, IA

Saint Ambrose University

Indianapolis, IN

University of Indianapolis

Ottawa, KS

Ottawa University-Ottawa

Angwin, CA

Pacific Union College

Carbondale, IL

Southern Illinois University-Carbondale

Washington, DC

Trinity Washington University

Florence, AL

University of North Alabama

Cleveland, OH

Cleveland Institute of Art

Raleigh, NC

Shaw University

Tampa, FL

The University of Tampa

Las Vegas, NV

University of Nevada-Las Vegas

Greensburg, PA

Seton Hill University

Atchison, KS

Benedictine College

River Forest, IL

Concordia University-Chicago

Erie, PA

Gannon University

Gainesville, GA

Brenau University

Pittsburgh, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Pittsburgh Campus

Chicopee, MA

College of Our Lady of the Elms

Greensboro, NC

University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Teaneck, NJ

Fairleigh Dickinson University-Metropolitan Campus

La Mirada, CA

Biola University

Potsdam, NY

Clarkson University

Austin, TX

Huston-Tillotson University

Glenside, PA

Arcadia University

Belmont, NC

Belmont Abbey College

Nashville, TN

Trevecca Nazarene University

Lynchburg, VA

University of Lynchburg

Storm Lake, IA

Buena Vista University

San Jose, CA

San Jose State University

Kansas City, MO

Avila University

Boiling Springs, NC

Gardner-Webb University

Laie, HI

Brigham Young University-Hawaii

Seguin, TX

Texas Lutheran University

Cincinnati, OH

Xavier University

Houghton, NY

Houghton University

Greensburg, PA

University of Pittsburgh-Greensburg

Ashland, VA

Randolph-Macon College

Chambersburg, PA

Wilson College

Houston, TX

University of St Thomas

Boston, MA

University of Massachusetts-Boston

Albany, NY

The College of Saint Rose

Hattiesburg, MS

William Carey University

Macon, GA

Wesleyan College

Stephenville, TX

Tarleton State University

Staten Island, NY

Wagner College

Rochester, NY

Talmudical Institute of Upstate New York

Minneapolis, MN

Augsburg University

Worcester, MA

Worcester State University

Salem, OR

Willamette University

Mont Alto, PA

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Mont Alto

Florence, SC

Francis Marion University

Westfield, IN

Union Bible College

Jersey City, NJ

Saint Peter's University

Grand Rapids, MI

Aquinas College

Rockford, IL

Rockford University

Hammond, IN

Purdue University Northwest

Azusa, CA

Azusa Pacific University

Anderson, SC

Anderson University

Immaculata, PA

Immaculata University

Valencia, CA

California Institute of the Arts

San Francisco, CA

San Francisco Conservatory of Music

Ave Maria, FL

Ave Maria University

Chicago, IL

School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Erie, PA

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Erie-Behrend College

Lakewood, NJ

Yeshiva Toras Chaim

Wickliffe, OH

Rabbinical College Telshe

Oskaloosa, IA

William Penn University

Butte, MT

Montana Technological University

Bluffton, SC

University of South Carolina Beaufort

Monsey, NY

Yeshiva Gedolah Kesser Torah

Ripon, WI

Ripon College

Providence, RI

Providence College

Allentown, PA

Cedar Crest College

Brooklyn, NY

Pratt Institute-Main

Providence, RI

Rhode Island School of Design

Bowling Green, KY

Western Kentucky University

Louisville, KY

The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

San Antonio, TX

Hallmark University

Wenham, MA

Gordon College

McKeesport, PA

Pennsylvania State University-Penn State Greater Allegheny

Gaffney, SC

Limestone University

Columbia, SC

Columbia International University

Holland, MI

Hope College

Winston Salem, NC

Salem College

Hartford, CT

University of Connecticut-Hartford Campus

Lakewood, NJ

Yeshiva Bais Aharon

Pine Bluff, AR

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

Thomasville, GA

Thomas University

Angola, IN

Trine University-Regional/Non-Traditional Campuses

Philadelphia, PA

Holy Family University

Long Beach, NY

Rabbinical College of Long Island

Portland, OR

Portland State University

Lakewood, NJ

Rabbinical Seminary Mkor Chaim

Moorhead, MN

Concordia College at Moorhead

Waukesha, WI

Carroll University

Madison, NJ

Fairleigh Dickinson University-Florham Campus

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How many schools should I apply to?
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