The Essay

In this training module, coaches will learn best practices for reviewing personal statements with students. This training module will provide you with useful strategies for starting the first draft, guidelines for editing students’ work, and tips on how to provide feedback. At the end of this module, you will be asked to identify areas of growth for providing feedback on a student’s personal statement. You will review two examples of feedback provided by coaches and identify what went well and how the feedback provided could have been improved.

Suggested Deadline


How to complete this MODULE

Please complete the following assignment using the tips and recommendations you just reviewed above.

  1. Please review Essay A and Essay B
  2. After reviewing both essays, complete the Mastery Assignment below

The personal statement is your students’ opportunity to offer a compelling glimpse of their character that goes beyond test scores and grades. Remember that your role is not only to edit essays for flow and accuracy but, perhaps more importantly, to encourage your students to recognize and articulate their strengths with confidence. This is your students’ opportunity to expand their application and give admissions counselors a deeper understanding of who they are. Learn firsthand about the nuances of the personal statement from admissions officers in this video (2 minutes).

Starting the First Draft
One of the most challenging aspects of writing personal statements is knowing where to start. Your students may struggle with brainstorming ideas, deciding which prompts to answer, or figuring out how to start their essay. Read this document for some helpful strategies to provide for your student.

Guidelines for Editing
When editing and revising your students’ work, you’ll likely have some questions on the best practices and approach. Read this document with some useful do’s and don’ts.

How to Provide Feedback
As the school year picks up, you may find that communication with your student will become inconsistent via phone or video chat. This is why providing thorough, encouraging, and focused feedback on their personal statement via direct document edits is essential in virtual advising. You’ll likely edit their personal statement directly on a Word/Google document and send it back with your revisions (you’ll probably repeat this process 2-3 times before finalizing all edits).

As you work through the personal statement with your students, remember that a good essay can boost an application that might not otherwise stand out in a field of highly qualified and competitive applicants. Read this document to review tips and strategies to keep in mind while providing feedback.


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