Dear Students,
As we transition into autumn, our thoughts are with you. To say that starting a school year in the wake of a pandemic is ‘difficult’ is an understatement. Your classes and friendships are likely taking place over screens. You may have stepped in as breadwinner for your family as loved ones lost jobs, or have faced the heartbreak of death or illness among those you care for dearly. And we know that this isn’t all you are holding. You are walking through a world on fire, both physically as we face an unprecedented season of wildfire on the west coast, and metaphorically, as we navigate collective uprising around racial justice. And all of this is taking place against an election year in which the stakes are incredibly high.
Pursuing college right now is riddled with challenges. It is also a critical step to addressing those challenges and inequities — for you, for your families, and for generations to come. Because of what you are doing now, what you are learning, and the perspectives you will bring, you can pave the way to a more just and equitable society for us all.
What you are living through in this moment is immense. And we want you to know that we see this, and we see you. We are here, cheering you on, every step of the way. We are celebrating you as you draw on your resilience and continue to explore, learn, and grow this academic year. And we are committed to supporting you as you create the life, and the world, you dream of.
You are making your way to and through college because of the intelligent, strong, courageous, and creative young people that you are. We are certain of this because we know you. We’ve sat down with you as you edited your college essays, decided on a major, navigated difficulties, and celebrated successes. We believe in you, in your future, and in all that you are capable of. You are exactly the people our world needs right now, to lead us into more peaceful, just and equitable times.
As you make your way through this school year, we want you to know just how much we value you and feel inspired by you.
You are amazing. Keep going. We’re here with you.
Diana Adamson & the ScholarMatch Team